Frequently Asked Questions

  1. The terms CMS/JMS Releases, CMS/JMS Baseline Updates, and CMS/JMS Hot Fixes are often used to describe the CMS/JMS updates that occur during scheduled maintenance windows.   What differentiates one type of update from another?

CMS, JMS and all supporting websites are periodically updated so that SCJB will provide the best tools to manage and operate all levels of Court.  These updates consist of:

  1. CMS/JMS Releases - Scheduled updates composed of new features, enhancement requests or program fixes.
  2. CMS/JMS Baseline Updates - Scheduled updates to address changes to table configuration or business processing due to new or modified legislation or Judicial Orders.
  3. CMS/JMS Hot Fixes - Unscheduled updates to resolve critical issues which require immediate implementation.
  1. I was prompted to change my password, and the system will not accept anything I type for a new password.  What’s the problem?

For security reasons passwords must be strong and meet the following requirements:


Ten or more characters (the longer the password, the better)


At least one selection from three of the following four categories:

  • Uppercase letter (A - Z)
  • Lowercase letter (a - z)
  • Numbers (0 - 9)
  • Symbols (!, $, #, %, etc.)


You will be prompted to change your password every 90 days.

Failed Login Attempts:

After six failed login attempts, your account will be locked and you must contact the CMS/JMS support team at (803) 734-1200 to have your password reset.


  1. What is my user name and password for SharePoint?  I would like to access the CMS/JMS training manuals.

All users in hosted counties should be able to login to SharePoint using the same user name and password used for Citrix and CMS/JMS.  Please submit a ticket via Heat Self Service if you have any problems.

  1. What is the purpose of logging a Heat ticket?  Why can’t I just call the Call Center?

Heat Self Service is a web based interface that allows users to report and track their issues with the SCJB Call Center. Once an issue is submitted, it lands in a queue that is monitored during normal business hours by the SCJB Call Center staff.  This method is the most efficient way to ensure that your issue will be addressed in a timely manner.  Submitting an issue through Heat Self Service also helps to ensure that issues are handled in the order in which they are received.

Calling in directly to the Call Center takes a staff member away from monitoring the queue, so in essence you are jumping in front of others who have followed the support protocol. This does not apply during an emergency situation that needs immediate attention.  Also, please refrain from calling support staff at their direct phone numbers.  The person may be out of the office, and a response will be delayed until the employee returns to the office.

  1. How do I log a Heat ticket?

Click here for instructions to log a Heat Self Service ticket.


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