
SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE (1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month)

  1. The South Carolina Judicial Branch (SCJB) is committed to maintaining exceptional performance, reliability, security, service and support for the statewide Case Management System (CMS) and the Jury Management System (JMS).  Regularly scheduled maintenance to the hardware and software in the CMS/JMS hosted environments is necessary.  Therefore, the SCJB data center will conduct scheduled maintenance on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month from 10:00 pm until 2:00 am.
  2. In the event of unforeseen problems, service could be down for a longer duration.  If additional time is needed, a notice will be posted on this website.
  3. Each CMS/JMS user must verify the CMS/JMS application status by reviewing the Announcements posted on this website.
  4. It is important that users consider the scheduled maintenance windows when planning their schedules and activities.
  5. Courts may revert to their manual procedures during a maintenance event that affects the availability of the CMS/JMS applications.  The required paper forms and receipts needed to operate in a manual mode may be printed from the website or requested through South Carolina Court Administration.


In the event emergency maintenance is required, an announcement will be posted.  Status updates will also be posted regarding the emergency event.

System Status Indicator
System Status